Berlink is a German training agency that has extensive experience in organising professional and educational projects and professional internships in Berlin.
The company offers a wide range of services from career guidance in the context of a changing work environment to promoting innovative approaches to lifelong learning. BERLINK is currently involved in several European projects which focus on motivation, improvement of personal and professional skills developed through learning and employment experiences abroad.
They also provide consulting services in the development of training and employment programmes for unemployed people, using a tailored methodology to achieve real and replicable results.
Berlink is part of the ETN– “Education and Training Network “, which comprises companies in Italy (Rimini), Spain (Malaga), Bulgaria (Sofia) and the UK (Portsmouth).
www.berlink.eu • info@berlink.eu

CEDIT – Centre of Entrepreneurial Diffusion of Tuscany – was born out of the willingness of Confartigianato Imprese Toscana, Tuscan Association of Crafts and SMEs, in order to promote entrepreneurship and to support the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, developing an ongoing activity of consultancy, planning and vocational training. CEDIT has the goal of disseminating a modern entrepreneurial culture and of working in strict collaboration with the Entrepreneurial Association, which represents almost 30.000 enterprises in Tuscany (110 offices on the Regional territory) and which is linked to all the other territorial and regional Associations.
CEDIT builds corporate projects, performs market research, provides consulting services, helps the development of tools, suggests guidelines for professional employability and entrepreneurship and for the training of organisations, developing actions and projects in the fields of training and business development within the EU. Specifically, CEDIT designs, manages and implements programmes for mobility and exchanges of young people, workers, entrepreneurs and trainers in order to facilitate the development of cultural educational and professional qualification.
In the last 5 years CEDIT organised 9 mobility projects for students (about 150 people) and 13 mobility projects for young people and entrepreneurs (respectively about 450 and 70 people); led 5 Leonardo Da Vinci VETPRO and Transfer of Innovation projects, 5 Partnerships, 2 Pilots and 4 Grundvig projects. CEDIT was part of the European Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Intermediary as Organisation Network and is currently involved in three Erasmus+ projects (2 Strategic Partnership and 1 Knowledge Alliance) and in a Europe Aid project.
CEDIT is certified by the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 system and the QMS will also be applied to the project.
www.cedit.org • info@cedit.org

E.P.N. (European Placement Network) is specialised in the managenent of work placements in the U.K. and Europe.
Established in 2011, EPN has a wide network of European partners and makes its expertise available to diverse organisations such as local authorities, private companies, universities, vocational training centres and schools. We are thus able to cater for the specific needs of our partners and customers and enhance the employability of participants.
In collaboration with APRECA, EPN organises work placements for young people in education and training, students, apprentices and job seekers in the UK and all over Europe. We can arrange work placements for those with all levels of qualifications, from GCSE, BTEC and A Levels to those with Masters degrees. We are currently manage the international mobility programmes on behalf of several European regional governments.
EPN proposes the following services that can be tailored to meet the specific expectations and requirements of out partners:
– Help partners and customers Assist customers in the research and development of projects and funding
– Offering work placements tailored to a person’s profile, skills and qualifications
– Organise appropriate language training in partnership with recognized schools
– Propose suitable accommodation
– Provide close monitoring to beneficiaries throughout their stay
– Coordinate the certification and valorisation of acquired skills and competencies with sending partners (ECVETS, Europass, portfolio …)
– Assess and evaluate the relevance of the actions, the results of projects and participate in their dissemination.
EPN also plays an active part in programmes and E.U. funded projects that aim to develop new innovative approaches to mobility projects and to facilitate life-long learning through stuctured experiences in working environments.
In addition to the Head Office in Bristol, EPN has an office in Croydon and is looking to open a third office in Manchester.
www.euplanet.net • epn@euplanet.net

ESMOVIA is a Spanish company, located in Valencia and dedicated to the management of European mobility projects since 2006. We are specialised in providing traineeships, training periods, cultural and educational programmes (structured courses, specialised seminars and language courses) and study visits (to companies and organisations) to young people and adults coming from all over Europe. We also provide a wide range of services like logistical support, organisation of accommodation and maintanance, help desk 24/24 hours, etc.
We believe that transnational mobility is one of the most important ways of getting new competences (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in order to improve the participants personal development and employability in the European labour market. For this reason our main objective is to offer quality programmes so that participants get the maximum benefit from the Spanish training and personal experience.
ESMOVIA is involved in several EU projects focused on motivation and enhancement of personal skills and competences developed through learning experiences abroad. It is engaged in consultancy activities for the development of the training / employment paths for people of different ages and socio-professional origin, by providing adequate methodological and procedural support to reconstruct the experiences carried out and the achieved learning results.
We have also developed a consolidated procedure to carry out the assessment of the achieved learning outcomes and support the sending institution in the validation and recognition processes through the implementation of the ECVET procedure.
www.esmovia.es • esmovia@esmovia.es

IERF (European Research and Training Institute) is an accredited, non-profit, life-long learning organisation. It was created in Paris, in 1994, with two primary objectives: first, to define and create international work experience opportunities that enhance the employability of young people, adults and recent graduates; second, to help develop innovative ways to support employment, notably by building career guidance and training methodologies that leverage comparative Europe-wide research.
Our remit has expanded in line with developing Europe-wide life-long learning objectives, and their application in France. In 1995, we concluded internship and international research partnerships with various organisations in the Ile-de-France region. In 1996, we started working with France’s national employment agency, conducting professional skills appraisals for ‘impatriates’ and expatriates, and helping Ile-de-France residents leverage opportunities abroad. And from 2003 onwards, we have worked with regional and public authorities in France, as well as various international mobility programme, like Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus+ and Mobil’Access.
Our efforts focus on developing, refreshing and diversifying professional skills, be it through internships, volunteer projects, language study programmes or work opportunities abroad. In all respects, our priority is to enable people to develop new professional assets that will bolster their career.
www.ierf.net • contact@ierf.net

Located at the crossroads of European and global exchanges, the Île-de-France region is the largest region in economic terms in France and one of the most important in Europe. Composed of 8 departments, it hosts a population of 12 million people, younger than the national average. In 2015 with a budget of 5 billion euros, including 680 million spent on training, learning and employment, the Region wants to make access to life-long learning a right for all Parisians, but also a factor for the future economic development of Île-de-France.
International youth mobility, all groups included (high school students, apprentices, university students, jobseekers) is a published priority of the Ile-de-France. Each year, approximately 20,000 Parisians benefit from one of the 16 existing programmes for European and international mobility with a budget investment of 4.5 million euros.
Integrated into the Development Unit, the Department of Regional, European and international Partnerships (IPSP) is specifically in charge of the international mobility of jobseekers. Since 2002, regional policy in this area includes our own programmes (Mobil’Access, Mobil’Hanoï), in partnership with bilateral cooperation agencies (Mobil’Québec, Mobil’Allemagne) and European programmes such as Eurydice, Leonardo. Since 2013, three new decentralized cooperation zones mobility programmes are being tested: Mobil’Pékin, Mobil’Sao Paulo Mobil’Santiago.
All these mobility programmes for job seekers represent a budget of 1.5 million euros and approximately 1,000 beneficiaries / year.
www.iledefrance.fr • gilles.bonnet@iledefrance.fr

Created on the initiative of the elected representatives of the City of Nanterre and French Central Government, the Employment and Training Centre is involved in the local governance of employment and integration policies in Nanterre.
The Nanterre Employment and Training Centre is a decision-making support resource for the development of employment in a rapidly changing territory and a focus for the mobilisation and coordination in one structure of stakeholders working to provide jobs for all.
The structure works in partnership with all agencies from our local area who are involved in the fields of the economy, creation of business, training, employment and integration. The objectives are to ensure the coherence, capitalisation and consolidation of the work of partners through five priority action areas:
– Develop a shared territorial strategy – from diagnosis to action plan
– Actively work to anticipate economic change
– Contribute to the development of local employment
– Reducing cultural and social barriers to access to employment
– To welcome, inform, guide and support people towards securing qualifications and employment in France and abroad.
It is through this multi purpose single centre that we work to improve youth and adult unemployment and to provide information, guidance and support of the public, to develop the right to life-long training and to offer a dedicated space for meetings and exchanges with businesses.
The different input modes for institutions and associations in the MEF Centre encourage the development of processes for personal projects, dynamics and citizenship through 3 areas of dedicated activities:
– Professional and social integration with the ‘Mission Locale’, a ‘PLIE’, a job insertion department and ‘Cap Emploi’
– Access to information and support for projects with the ‘Cité des Métiers’: via the establishment of a network for information and career guidance.
– The relationship with businesses and economic stakeholders with the inter-company project platform for GPECT projects (Regionalised Management of Jobs and Skills) and for projects on Insertion and the development of employment.