13/04/2017 The Erasmus+ RMT project is ending !
Here we are! The Erasmus+ RMT team is happy to inform you that all the outputs are now available in the 5 languages of the partnership, and downloadable from the website, on the Output page.
We invite you more specifically to look at the «Methodological Toolkit for Transnational Vocational Mobility», toolkit designed for mobility operators, career counsellors and especially those looking to secure employment – young people aged between 18 and 25 finding it hard to secure entry to the job market, students at the end of the course, recent graduates, and adults seeking employment – who hope to enter a qualification process abroad as a structuring stage of their personal and professional development.
The materials, composed in three traditional stages – preparation before departure, during mobility and upon return home, has been designed to be available in paper or computer format and can be used in self-training, Individualised support and / or collective workshops. In order to make it transferable, we have chosen not to offer specific information on the different mobility programmes (participation / selection modality, legal framework, administrative and organisational procedures). This is one of the characteristics that makes it adaptable and which will enable the organisations that wish to adapt these materials by adding supplements adapted to their context and their target groups.
We, the coordinator and all the partners, look forward to your feedback. The IERF team welcomes all your questions and remains available for further information by email (contact@ierf.net).
28/10/2016 Final seminar for the dissemination of the Erasmus+ RMT results
The European Institute of Research and Training (IERF) alongside the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, the Nanterre Centre for Employment and Training and its European partners – European Placement Network (Bristol), Esmovia (Valencia) CEDIT (Florence) and Berlink (Berlin) – are pleased to invite you to a seminar which will take place in Paris on the 8th of December 2016 to mark the he end of the cross-sectorial strategic partnership project “Erasmus+ RMT: The renewal of transnational mobility, a new opportunity for people looking to enter the labour market and for businesses.”
Understanding the perception and value that companies attribute to periods of transnational mobility and the development of materials and methods to capitalise on the experiences and benefits were the two main project areas of research in the “Erasmus + RMT project”.
Organised for institutional representatives, career guidance professionals and all stakeholders involved in this field of activity, the seminar will provide an ideal opportunity to present the three key deliverables of the Erasmus+ RMT project:
- Perspectives of European companies on the Recognition of the benefits of transnational work-based mobility, based on a survey of 170 companies across five countries.
- A cross European best practice compendium of tools for transnational mobility.
- A methodological toolkit for the valorisation and capitalisation of the benefits transnational vocational mobility.
We look forward to seeing you and kindly ask you to register to alexandra.collinet@ierf.net
To find out more on, click here.
The fourth transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ RMT project organised by our partner Berlink, was held in Berlin, the 14th and 15th of April. The first day was dedicated to the data analysis of the surveys conducted on 170 companies in the 5 countries of the partnership. On the second day, all the partners evaluated the progress of the activities and planned the final part of the project: the drafting and the formatting of the outputs and the organisation, in October and November, of national and European events to communicate on the results of the RMT project.
Convinced by the importance of a transnational mobility experience in the academic and professional careers of people of all types and of all ages and the need to find adequate solutions to facilitate and promote incoming and outgoing mobility projects, the French Office of the British Council has decided to set up the “Mobility Circle”. This group will consist of public and private organisations and service providers who will meet three to four times a year to exchange best practices and information, and above all to pool their efforts to provide the best possible solutions to interested parties. Conferences and publications are also planned to publicise common objectives and ideas. The first meeting will be held on the 24th of March 2016, in Paris, and will allow service providers, public bodies and organisations involved in this area to present their mobility projects and to encourage debate.
IERF will play an active part, alongside the Ile-de-France Regional Council, to report on the progress of our Erasmus RMT project.
15/01/2016 Travel for increased maturity and growth… the international mobility of young people, a national priority.
Since 2013, the French Government has included European and international mobility of young people as one of its priorities. As part of the action plan “Youth is our priority’ released by the Prime Minister on 23 February 2013, new strategic and political levels have been put in place at national level (Standing Committee on European and international mobility of young people) and regional level: Regional Committee for Mobility (COREMOB). Based in the Ile-de-France since the 9th October 2015, COREMOB is the strategic body for regional and political management of international mobility programmes. It brings together all the public, private and voluntary bodies concerned with mobility of young people, whatever their status, engaged in a project of mobility for study, work-based learning or voluntary reasons. Chaired jointly by the central government and the regional council, the COREMOB aims to undertake a territorial diagnosis (status of current programmes, beneficiaries and available funding) and propose a three-year plan for the development of mobility. The Ile de France regional council is responsible of the chairing of a working group on the recognition of formal and informal benefits through mobility.
The COREMOB thus provides a unique forum both to contribute to the enrichment of the RMT project and for its dissemination at regional level.